If you've been diagnosed with cancer, how did you react? Were you shocked, numbed, frightfully scared? Perhaps you experienced all of these emotions and more. Learning to process such a serious diagnosis can be overwhelming. Although in many ways science has made great advancements in treating cancer, there are still many unknowns.
So when that c-word is directed at you, those unknowns become magnified. Have those scientific achievements reached your particular diagnosis? And even if they did, what must you endure to reach that stage of remission? If told there is no cure for your cancer and chances are it will revisit you, you must learn to adjust all over again, to a different way of life. This task may not be as formidable as you might think. In fact, the challenges it presents can add a whole new dimension to your life and present a perspective to your view of reality that you otherwise may never have experienced or imagined.
For many, the best way to deal with fear is to face it and determine exactly what it is you fear. Some of the most common fears and tips to deal with them are as follows:
1. Knowledge is power.
The best way to face the fear of your diagnosis is to ask your physician as many questions as possible. Will you need an operation or will you be treated with medication? You will want to know the stage of your cancer and, if it's defined more specifically than stage, like grade and degree of aggressiveness, ask for those details as well. Cancers vary in their description. Some are broken down strictly into stages, usually from stage I to IV. Others have a grade associated with them, i.e., a, b or c. Others have further classifications. You'll want your physician to provide you with all of the details of your specific cancer.
Knowing which category your cancer falls into will give you an idea of how serious it is. For instance, stage I is usually the stage at which the cancer is detected very early and can most likely be treated easily. Once treated, the cancer has a less likely chance of returning. Stage 4 cancers on the other hand, are late stage and the tumors have most likely grown to a significant size and/or metastasized to organs in the body apart from the original growth site. Yet, they too can lie dormant or go into remission for many, many years. Remember, information is power.
2. Managing the side effects of chemotherapy.
While years ago chemotherapy was considered very difficult to endure, there have been significant developments as far as managing the side effects of chemotherapy are concerned. Side effects will vary depending on the person and the kind of chemotherapy being administered. There really is no one size fits all answer but chances are likely that your side effects will be minimal. The best way to cope with chemo is to ask your doctor about the treatment plan and what side effects to expect. If told there will be some, find out exactly what they will be or could be and prepare accordingly. Usually, most side effects are temporary. Nausea and vomiting are the most common. However, oncologists now administer anti-nausea drugs right along with chemotherapy and those usually control the issue. Nevertheless, there may be times you occasionally experience nausea and/or vomiting. If you prepare ahead of time for either additional medication or other natural remedies to take, you can help to minimize those experiences.
One of the Young Living Essential Oils I recommend foe fear ia TRAUMA LIFE, which releases buried emotional trauma. It combats stress and uproots traumas that cause insomnia, anger. restlessness and a weakened immune system
TRAUMA LIFE is a blended oil, made up with: VALERIAN, which is calming, grounding and emotionally grounding; LAVENDER is relaxeat and helps overcome anxiety; FRANKINCENSE, elevates the mind and helps overcome stress and despair; SANDALWOOD is high in sesquiterpene compounds which stimulates the pineal gland and the limbic region of the brain, the center of emotions and memory; ROSE has the highest frequency among essential oils-it creates a sense of balance, harmony and wellbeing; HELICHRYSUM improves circulation and helps release feelings of angler, promoting forgiveness; GERANIUM helps release negative memories; DAVAVA and CITRUS HYSTRIX.
I would love the opportunity to share/show you how to use this oil, so if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to email me.
